Tour the darker side of Worcester

Aleksandra Mir.
6th March-5th April 2014

MOVEMENT proudly presents a new work by Aleksandra Mir made in Worcester. Aleksandra Mir is a Swedish/American artist who, since the mid 1990s, has been developing and presenting projects that deal with the circulation of images and ideology though the public sphere of mass media. In various extraordinary ways these subtly address political issues relating to public aspiration and identity. She often works on location developing site specific projects for both local and a worldwide audiences which are reached both via the physical site and her extensive web site. She says: “I think Art
and The Public have a mutual and naturally adaptable relationship. They don’t need special assistance to meet each other. They are always there for each other to the extent that they want to be at any point in time or place.”

Tour the Dark Side of Worcester is a work in Aleksandra Mir’s series of Tours, presented as slide shows akin to the early slide shows of family gatherings following travel and vacations. Adding her written observations, the work initially appears purely didactic but gains a subtle poetic through the often ambiguous interplay or word and image.

For more information on the artist’s 20 year practice, please see her web site: